Perhaps your cat is licking its unmentionables, and it’s not quite the scene you want to set for your one-on-one. Your kids’ discarded toys and jackets may be strewn on the floor, or your roommate is in the throes of an online boxing class. Raise your camera to be eye level so that folks aren’t staring directly into your nostrils.īackgrounds, however, are another matter. Face a window to get nice, even lighting. Get dressed, for one (showering is optional at this point, IMHO). 1.As we approach the 10th week of sheltering in place, most of us have figured out how to look good-well, okay, presentable-on camera as meetings have migrated to Zoom, Google Hangouts, and the like. However you choose to use these free Zoom backgrounds, though, there’s no doubt they’ll add a little fun into whatever meeting you have up next. Personally, I like to think of Zoom backgrounds as an opportunity to express how you’re really feeling to your BFF or work spouse while you work from home or social distance. You can use clouds to show that you’re just not paying attention at all to whatever is going on or some beautiful rock imagery to signal that it’s time for a drink (on the rocks, of course). You could sit in front of beautiful scenes of nature or a bunch of puppies-Ultimately, the choice is yours. Most Zoomers (that is, those of us who use Zoom) now know that you can add your own custom backgrounds to your video chat screen.

The possibilities are endless-and so are the backgrounds. It can truly be used for anything from meetings with 100 people to one-on-one virtual date nights.

In case you missed it and are seriously confused right now, Zoom is a video conferencing service that businesses (and friends) across the nation use to hold meetings or just hang out. This video-chatting service is quickly replacing Skype, FaceTime and the like, so we might as well lean into it and have a little fun. And spending hours upon hours hanging out (or, like, actually conducting business) on Zoom is truly all the reason you need to consider spicing up your video chats with these free Zoom backgrounds. For those of you having to lead or attend meetings while working from home, you’ll know Zoom is the new black. In-person meetings are a thing of the past-It’s all coming up Zoom, now.