It is a free tool, you can choose to donate to support the development. For Mac, you can use Sequel Pro to manage local and remote MySQL databases. It is always nice to have a GUI tool for managing databases. If you wish to change it though, you can use mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password'. It doesn't really matter for a local development database. Note: By default, the MySQL user root has no password.

To connect with the command-line client, run: mysql -uroot We will install MySQL using Homebrew, which will also install some header files needed for MySQL bindings. NoSQL database is also supported by this tool.

It provides mock data that can be generated if we want. It comes with multiplatform support that means it can run with any operating system such as windows, Linux, and mac os. You can see the different commands available for rver with: rver -help Some of the client tools for using MySQL are listed below. To stop it when you are done, run: rver stop Or, if you don't want/need a background service you can just use the rver tool: rver start To have launchd start MySQL now and restart at login: brew services start mysql Note: Sequel Pro does not support latest MySQL (version 8), because of that you may want to install MySQL 5.7 instead - brew install brew install mysql

We will install MySQL using Homebrew, which will also install some header files needed for MySQL bindings in different programming languages (MySQL-Python for one).